Eco-Friendly Updates to Increase Your Home Resale Value

Every year, the Canadians spend millions of dollars on the home improvements to give their real estate property value a serious boost. While some upgrades such as star rated energy appliances, or new water heaters can be really costly, still there are some inexpensive updates which can give a real price hike to your residential or commercial property in Brampton.

You may seek the advice from a trusted Brampton real estate agent for the home renovations. These little home improvements have big potential to save your heavy energy spending and can contribute to make your home an eco-friendly space.

  1. Install Plumbing Fixtures in Your Brampton Real Estate

Our day to day activities are responsible for wasting millions of gallons of water into the drain. Showering is one such activity that pushes a lot of water down the drain every day. The best solution to minimize the wastage is to use plumbing fixture which can put a bar on heavy water consumption.

Inexpensive low flow plumbing fixtures are convenient to install and at the same time affordable. These can reduce the water consumption at your home to a great extent. According to a few reliable resources, the energy savings sometimes can go up to 50 percent upon installing a fixture which is indeed a huge number.

  1. Insulate Your Residential or Commercial Property in Brampton

One of the best energy payback techniques is to facilitate your home with energy efficient insulation. Though the modern houses are equipped with the efficient insulation in this case you don’t have to worry. However, if you are staying in an old home that has no provision for it, then it definitely needs your attention.

You can bring back it to contemporary standards by a serious insulation installation. It will maintain the temperature inside your home to a comfortable point, thus, saving your bills on unnecessary heating and cooling. You may experience 10 to 50 percent reduction on energy bills. Ask your Brampton real estate agent when in doubt.

  1. Use Fluorescent Bulbs

Fluorescent bulbs are more compact and a little costlier initially than the conventional bulbs. However, they can help you save a lot of money and thus, very good in a long run. They last 10 times longer than the traditional bulbs which could be easier on your pocket.

  1. Install a Programmable Thermostat

Programmable thermostats are one of best HVAC installations that could save the unnecessary heat loss during idle times. It will help you in saving resources that could actually lower down your utility bills. These devices are eco-friendly and promote green effect inside your home. Programmable thermostats provide you the leverage of prior heating the home before you actually arrive there. You would find this little gadget a lot more convenient and easy on utility bills, altogether a best option to turn your Brampton real estate property into an eco-friendly zone.

If you are not sure about any home improvement for your residential or commercial property in Brampton, ask a trusted Toronto real estate agent for assistance. His expertise will definitely help you in achieving your aim for an eco-friendly house for a higher value reselling purpose.

We, at, are the licensed members of the Toronto Real Estate Board, having a wealth of experience in selling real estate properties for the last many years. Our leading realtor, Vinod Bansal, will leave no stone unturned in achieving your realty desires. Contact our realty specialist now.

Every year, the Canadians spend millions of dollars on the home improvements to give their real estate property value a serious boost. While some upgrades such as star rated energy appliances, or new water heaters can be really costly, still there are some inexpensive updates which can give a real price hike to your residential…

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